Wednesday, June 17, 2009


What a surprise assignment the social bookmarking turned out to be! Until I began exploring the site and adding entries, I hadn't a clue what social bookmarking is all about. I've noticed the icon for Delicious on websites recently, and I'm certain I wouldn't have paid attention to the icon unless I'd been learning about Web 2.0 with d.i. and my classmates.

My Delicious account started out relatively simple. I uploaded favorite sites from my laptop and then began adding a few from our course.

As I realized I could access my "favorites" from a computer other than my laptop or home PC, I was glad d.i. had included the social networking assignment. (I shared the idea with a secretary at work today because I know she has time to "browse" on and off throughout the day. I'll show her how to navigate the site tomorrow so she can begin to set up her account in Delicious.)

After reading and reviewing my classmates' entries, I took a real look at what Delicious has to offer. Tagging my entries gave me an opportunity to see my "surfing saves" as a reflection of what is most important to me. While there's no huge surprise there, I hadn't expected to use a social bookmarking tool as a means to reflect on who I am or how I spend my time.

Some passions, like music, aren't represented well in my site, but that's primarily because of the way I use the internet.

I opted to add my personal links for the required items created for this class. For me, Delicious is a much preferred way to access those links. I'll verify that all work properly tonight and edit any that don't seem to be working properly.

I like the option of having some links private.

I enjoy seeing the numbers beside each saved bookmark. I don't visit woot! often, but wasn't surprised to see that it had so many Delicous members adding it to their favorite lists. I'm willing to bet there's a Delicious icon on woot's webpage!

Time to close for the afternoon. I'm pleased with what I learned and accomplished today.

I hope you can take time to play today,

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