Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Step by Step

I'll be asleep by nine tonight! I've worked to organize, clean up, and start "yard work" over the past three days. Yesterday found me riding the used Troy-bilt lawn mower I bought from Dave last month. What a treat! It replaced an older Sears riding mower I bought from neighbor Dave last year (he fixes mowers, chain saws, and other small engine items). Thankfully, he took the old one in as a trade-in.

Today I used the Toro push mower (it really does start with one pull) to work on the edging of the knoll and around the Palace and driveway area. It all looks quite nice. Charlie, friend and local electrician, asked why the mowing stopped on the knoll and I explained that I like having the wildflowers available to enjoy and cut. He likes flowers, too, so he understood completetly.

Tomorrow Harold will come over and I'll help him add another rack under the carport so we can finish hanging the assorted tools that were stored in my enclosed work trailer that we emptied when we loaded it up with furniture in March. I washed my two stepladders that had mud and paint on them from this spring's construction work, and they cleaned up nicely. They're ready to hang in the carport if we get that far tomorrow. To me, the carport organizing and adding one more shelf will take four hours, but I'm assured a couple is all that's needed.

Charlies knows someone who wants a Buck Stove, so the Baby Buck may have a home before too long.

I'm going to crash early tonight...should be asleep no later than nine. I'm pooped!

I've quite a list of "projects" to tackle...first on the list is getting the bookshelves and computer desk in the Palace primed and painted. If I have that done by the 4th, I'll be thrilled! Once that's done, I can place all my books in the bookshelf and straighten up the remaining space in the Palace. I have three boxes of books in the attic, so those can be placed on the shelves as well. That will be exciting! I haven't had access to my books in four years!
Rest well....

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