I've got this blog linked to my personal e-mail, so anytime a classmate makes a comment, I'm following that and am notified. That's a handy feature!
I was checking my e-mail just a few minutes ago when a notice came in that Jacob had left a comment on my blog. Cool! Double Cool, actually, because there are so many e-mails from SLED that my personal mail sometimes hides amid the scores of SLED notes. In any case, I smiled and went to see what Jason had written...
He'd liked my Wikimedia post, as had Cheryl and Iris. I noticed Cheryl had commented on both the forum comment page and my blog, and I've made a mental note to do that for others. I appreciated the compliments.
I'm finally in a place where I can see how much I've actually learned. My friend Scotty has listened to me talk about Web 2.0 since we began the course. Earlier in the evening she recounted the tale of when I wrote the haiku about Web 2.0, a part of my preparing for our Grandma explanation. Tonight she was comparing what she was viewing on my web page and what I could now say/explain to where I was only four weeks ago. It was a treat to get such feedback, because she's right. I have learned a LOT...certainly more than I expected to learn in a course. It's been a sacrifice of time and energy on my part, but one that's paying off nicely. I have a few more assignments to complete, but I'm confident that once I get the audio stuff uploaded and can embed some audio, the rest will be cake. That one skill is keeping me from calling the embedding assignment and the audio/video/photo assignment complete. If I can't get a handle on it by noon, I'll give someone in the tech department at our central office a call. First off, though, I read what my classmates here have to say, and I'll try every trick they've shared, because (as the kids would say), they've been "the bomb."
While I've felt overwhelmed at times, I've never felt belittled or anything other than respected and welcomed. Even when I obviously was so far behind everyone else, no one treated me that way. So when I see your name on a post or get an e-mail or a "tweet" from you, I know I'm hearing from a friend. In SL today, the significance of names in SL came up...that a name is critical for recognition because the avatar's appearance can change markedly. That's true in RL as well... I might not recognize anyone from our class on a not-so-crowded street, but I imagine I'd recognize the names.
If you're ever in Winston or near my 7 Acre Wood in Virginia, drop me a line and I'll keep a lookout for you. You'd always be welcome!
Rest well.
PS The bottom line was - it sure is nice to have accounts linked. Now if I can only find better ways to link all the accounts for my capstone project!
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