After spending a couple hours this morning working on an audio file for my web page, I've taken a break.
Followed d.i.'s suggestions, although not always efficiently, until I got to ODEO. I have an account there but don't see the option of selecting "my audio" or any tab that lets me start any kind of uploading.
I'm working to ensure that I have the necessary elements on my Capstone CMSimple project. Last night I worked on the MeadMap and spent time adding links to my blog for all other accounts. I would not have known how to do that if I hadn't been reading through posts and saw d.i.'s comments to a classmate on what a good job she'd done with that. If I find that post today, I'll send a "thank you" to that wonderful lady. I knew we needed to do that, and wasn't certain how to proceed. There was just enough information in the post for me to search for the proper spot on the blog when I was editing.
Back to work...almost high noon. Slightly more than seven hours before my "contest" closes!
I have errands to run before I head to Virginia and would like to travel to Advance to see Dad and Jean, to Elkin to see Mom...not sure how to fit everything in. I desperately need to get in a swim. I may head to my 7 Acre Wood Saturday morning and have Friday to visit and leisurely pack the car.
Brother Tom has had my stereo and CDs at his house since my forced move mid-February. It will be a treat to have them back and set up in the Ark in Virginia. H says he'll loan me speakers. The old ones were bulky and took up too much space in my 20x25 living space...
Back to work.
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hey, you could probably get away with the little 15 buck speakers at walmart for your small space- i love the 2 cube and subwoofer from cambridge soundworks- got it 15 years ago and use it my office.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'll check it out. I actually pulled speaker wire so I could put ceiling speakers in. However, I've got closed cell sprayed insulation in the walls, ceiling, and in the attic space. I'm not sure how the speakers will function in that kind of environment. A friend suggested the insulation might affect the speakers' performance. I'll keep you posted.